Friday, May 18, 2007

Its one of those days when u rethink over matters and consider urself “lucky”. Hmm…for the pessimistic sort of person like me…this is a feel in a million..really! Its not that I always feel the same, but sometimes , when I sit, level-headed, having a friendly conversation with my own –self, I know it in my heart, I am lucky. I have a family ,which is not “fatafati understanding” like others…but at least, they loves me more than their life. I might not have facilities from my family or independence, but I have something more precious to cherish…feelings..the unconditional love and innumerable sacrifices my parents makes for me. And I have got a loving person who is my everything-sometimes hez my closest friend, sometimes mhez my guardian,scolding for the miniature errands I commit (innocently;),sometimes my lil child commiting loads of mischiefs,and sometimes my soul-mate, providing me with warmth of love in a very introvert way-My clupi…my love……my duttu…my adii.

I see ppl singled out asks each other out…within one or two day..they starts goin gout,then they declare them officially as couples, some more parties with each other, then one fine morning one argument,and finally break-up. And then the newly singled out again “searching” …pathetic old cycle. Now I see these cycles quite very often…so I rethink over my scrap of good old complains. And neutrally speaking , I shudnt complain, I have got more than perfection. After rethinking, I must confess, he was right. And I really don’t want cheeky love that lasts for a while, instead I am very happy with the silent dedication he has, with his silent ways of expressing the love that is pure and warm…and evelasting. No seriously guys, I AM lucky..alhamdulillah :D

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